It takes many people to save lives. Let’s celebrate their stories.

Behind each pint of blood stand the many people who chose to make the gift of life available to countless patients in our community. Join us as we take our gratitude on tour to celebrate our 1000 Thank Yous Campaign with Emmy-award-winning TV host Chris Cashman and meet some extraordinary people along the way.

Chris is helping Bloodworks Northwest honor the one thousand blood donors who answer the call each day and walk through the doors of centers and blood drives to meet the demand for blood by Pacific Northwest hospitals. Follow our journey as Chris travels to Bloodworks Donor Centers across Western Washington and Oregon and introduces us to some of the community heroes behind those donations and some special people whose lives have been forever changed because of those gifts. Donors like local Dr. Brendan Kelley who sees patients thrive after surgery because of generous blood donors. Or platelet donor Andrew Park, who gives as often as possible just because it’s a good thing to do.

Donors like you make our community a better place drop by drop. New videos will be posted each week on Bloodworks Northwest social media channels, so please follow @bloodworksnw on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

It takes 1000 donors every day, BE 1!