Education & Leadership Opportunities

Bloodworks Northwest’s Education & Leadership Opportunities offer ways for schools, students, and teachers to help serve their communities by aiding in the recruitment of blood donors to Pop-Up locations and Donor Centers.

Participants who host a blood drive with Bloodworks have the opportunity to:

  1. Develop communication, leadership, and public speaking skills
  2. Earn service hours and engage with their community
  3. Gain knowledge of healthcare leadership processes & public health needs
  4. Experience working with a non-profit to save lives

Click below to read more details on the following opportunities:

Be a Blood Drive Host
Student Scholarship
Rewards Programs
Eagle Scout & Girl Scouts Service Projects
Where The Heart Lives

Be a Blood Drive Host

The blood donated by young donors is critical to ensuring our blood supply remains safe. Prior to COVID, our High School Blood Drives made up over 20% of all donors during the school semesters. We are currently working with several schools throughout the Western Washington and Oregon areas to engage students through participating in Virtual Drives and Take-Over Days at Local Donor Centers and Pop-Up locations.

Do you or your high school want to help make an impact in your community by hosting a Virtual Drive or Take-Over this year? Reach out to your Community Engagement Liaison here.

Student Scholarship

Use your voice to recruit donors and earn a scholarship!

Individual Student Scholarship

Students earn Scholarship rewards by recruiting donors to earn money for college expenses, including tuition, fees, books, supplies, or even to pay off student loans. Students receive a Certificate of Excellence in leadership and project management experience for their professional portfolio.

Host a scholarship drive through one of the following methods:

  • Two-Week Virtual Drive
    • Students select two consecutive weeks during the program period to get as many friends, family, co-workers, and peers to come in and donate at ANY Bloodworks Pop-Up location or Donor Center during that period.
      • Recruit 25 donors to earn a minimum award of $250. Receive an additional $10 per donor after 25.
      • Peak Week Bonus: Recruit 25 donors to donate to earn an award of $500. Receive an additional $10 per donor after 25.
  • Takeover
    • Host selects one day to “takeover” any one Donor Center or Bloodworks Pop-Up location and commits to fill a minimum number of appointments for that day.
      • Recruit 25 donors to earn a minimum award of $250. Receive an additional $10 per donor after 25.
      • Peak Week Bonus: Recruit 25 donors to donate to earn an award of $500. Receive an additional $10 per donor after 25.

Before we can schedule your program period, you will need to gather a minimum number of commitments from people who pledge to donate blood at your drive.

For all Education & Leadership options, participants must be at least 16 years of age.

See the Programs’ Official Rules for a complete description.


Spring Program Period:
January 17 – June 4, 2023
Summer Program Period:
June 6 – September 10, 2023
Fall/Winter Program Period:
September 11, 2023 – January 15, 2024
Spring Peak Week Periods:
March 26- April 9, 2023 or May 22-June 4, 2023
Summer Peak Week Bonus Weeks:
June 18 – July 9, 2023 or
August 20 – September 10, 2023
Fall/Winter Peak Week Bonus Weeks:
November 19 – December 3, 2023 or
December 17, 2023 -January 7, 2024

While not required, we suggest reaching out about hosting a drive no later than 3-4 weeks before you would like your drive to begin, to make sure all steps are taken to have a successful drive!

Rewards Programs

Want to get involved and earn rewards, in addition to participating in your local high school or college blood drives? Interested in learning more? Submit an interest form here.

School Group* Fundraiser

Designed for school groups to recruit blood donors by hosting a group fundraiser while school is out of session or during higher times of need to earn money to use towards group events, fees, books, supplies, equipment, programs, or related educational expenses.

*School groups: An administration-approved and institutionally recognized high school, college, or accredited education institution organization or club consisting of four or more people that is student based and/or focused, tied to a department on campus with oversight from that department, or whose purpose is intended to be a student learning experience.

Host a Group Fundraiser through one of the following methods:

  • Two-Week Virtual Drive
    • Groups select two consecutive weeks during the program period to get as many friends, family, co-workers, and peers to come in and donate at ANY Bloodworks Pop-Up location or Donor Center during that period.
      • Recruit 35 donors to earn a minimum award of $350. Receive an additional $10 per donor after 35.
  • Takeover
    • Host selects one day to “takeover” any one Donor Center or Bloodworks Pop-Up location and commits to fill a minimum number of appointments for that day.
      • Recruit 25 donors to earn a minimum award of $250. Receive an additional $10 per donor after 25.

Before we can schedule your program period, you will need to gather a minimum number of commitments from people who pledge to donate blood at your drive.

For all Education & Leadership options, participants must be at least 16 years of age.

See the Programs’ Official Rules for a complete description.

While not required, we suggest reaching out about hosting a drive no later than 3-4 weeks before you would like your drive to begin, to make sure all steps are taken to have a successful drive!


Spring Program Period:
March 26 – April 9, 2023
Summer Program Period:
June 18 – July 9, 2023 or
August 20 – September 10, 2023
Fall/ Winter Program Period:
November 19 – December 3, 2023 or
December 17, 2023 – January 7, 2024

Eagle Scout Service Project

Service is an important part of the Scout Oath.  “To help other people at all times” aligns with the Bloodworks NW mission of saving lives in partnership with our community.

Host a Bloodworks blood drive and together, we will reach your rank requirements to plan, develop, and give leadership to others.  You will have a perfect opportunity to practice what you’ve learned and gain valuable project management and leadership experience while positively impacting our community blood supply.  That is helping people!


  • To host a blood drive with Bloodworks Northwest (BWNW) as your Eagle Scout Service Project, you must secure approval by the local Boy Scouts of America (BSA) council and follow your project guidelines provided.
  • You must register a minimum of 50 blood donors to consider your project complete.
  • You can host a single Full-Day Takeover or a Two-Week Virtual Drive to complete your project.

Girl Scout Service Project

BWNW has partnered with the Girl Scouts of Western Washington to create a patch program  designed for all age levels, for those who are old enough to donate, as well as those who cannot donate blood but who can make a difference by sharing what they learn. Find out more about the Blood: The Gift of Life Patch Program at

Where The Heart Lives

The Residency in partnership with Bloodworks Northwest presents WHERE THE HEART LIVES, a year-long program to spark conversation and call-to-action with high school and college youth across western OR and western WA, inspiring wellness within themselves and our communities. Each event will integrate mental health and wellness, incorporating community engagement, impacting the community’s health through blood drives, and feature live spoken word and musical performances by The Residency’s artists.


  • Appeals to the entire student body–from health and science to the arts and civics
  • Delivers inspiring conversation around mental and emotional health
  • Calls to action students and how to engage in positive community service, including blooddonation
  • Educates students on the science of blood donation, and where and how to give
  • Entertains and delivers the message through the amazing talents of spoken word and performances by young, diverse artists
  • Provides opportunity for students to engage in their own testimonials and storytelling
  • Can tie-in to a school’s on-campus or virtual blood drive

To host this program at your school, Please contact: Jace Farr, [email protected] or Giselle Lehmann, [email protected]

Media Inquiries: Amir Islam, [email protected]

Interested in participating in any of these programs?

Please fill out the information below and one of our Donor Recruitment Reps will get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also email us at [email protected] or call 1-800-398-7888.

What programs are you interested in?
Drive Location/Area
Expected No. of Attendees

Quick Links

Questions regarding blood or apheresis donations, please call: 800-398-7888.

Special thanks to our generous partners for sponsoring scholarship dollars for community-minded, life-saving students.

Your gift of blood, time or money saves lives.